conducting innovative projects


CIDELSA is a Peruvian company that has been active for 50 years in mining, oil, construction, agriculture, various industries, and government agencies, covering large infrastructure and architectural projects.

We have multidisciplinary technical professionals, highly qualified who advise our clients on the correct use of our products, also, we have technical personnel of indisputable experience, highly trained and certified for the installation and rigorous quality control applied to our products and works of countryside.

We have an extensive line of Geosynthetic products such as Geomembranes, Geotextiles, Geogrids, Rapid Cover raffia panels, GCL, Geocells, Geodrenes, Geostructures, Gabions, Erosion Control Membranes for Vegetation, Polyethylene Plain and Corrugated Pipes, And Structured Pipes, the latter of its own manufacture, we also have great flexibility to develop special products in our manufacturing plant as Flexible Tanks, Ventilation Sleeves, Biodigesters, Industrial Warehouses, Tensioned Coverings, and Reusable Modules for camps.

We maintain a permanent stock in all our product lines.

 INTEGRATED POLICY: Quality, safety, occupational health and environment

Comercial Industrial Delta S.A., dedicated to providing comprehensive architecture and engineering solutions applying synthetic membranes, is committed to:

  • CUSTOMER: Satisfy the requirements of customers and interested parties with our activities, products and services.
  • COMPLIANCE: Comply with current national and organizational legal requirements applicable to our activities, services and other requirements to which the organization subscribes in terms of Quality, Safety, Occupational Health and the Environment.
  • PREVENTION: Provide the necessary conditions to create a safe and healthy work environment for the prevention of injuries and deterioration of health in our activities, eliminating the dangers and reducing the risks in safety and health at work; Protect the environment and prevent environmental contamination, implementing the necessary means for sustained control and mitigation in the care of the environment.
  • PARTICIPATION: Strengthen the development for the consultation and participation of staff, clients and interested parties.
  • CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT: Allocate the necessary resources to maintain and consolidate the culture of continuous improvement of the effectiveness and performance of our Integrated Management System.
  • TRAIN: Maintain a training and awareness program ensuring the understanding and implementation of the Integrated Policy, fulfilling its responsibilities.

With this policy, we want to provide a frame of reference for the establishment of the objectives of Quality, Environment and Safety and Health at Work.

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Scope of the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Integrated Management System:




To provide comprehensive solutions of textile architecture and engineering applying industrial synthetic products. 


To be internationally recognized by the excellence in the preparation and execution of projects in textile architecture and engineering. 


We firmly affirm that we provide the best and most complete and comprehensive solution in the market according to your project needs, complying efficiently thanks to the support and service of a solid company with experience, guaranteeing your entire satisfaction.  

Environment protection

We have a great flexibility for developing products in our manufacturing plant with flexible tanks, ventilation shafts, tensile structures and shelters for campsite. This last year Weatherhaven Company trusted in Cidelsa for manufacturing its shelters for the local and international market.  

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